New model in the line of EVO canopies – Chinook EVO tandem
“A long-awaited announcement!” or “As many of you requested!”
We’re starting the year 2021 with awesome news – we are starting to take orders for the new tandem-canopy ChinookEVO!
What are the main features of this particular tandem-canopy and what is so innovative about it?
Built on a completely new technological platform, built around an original patented V-ribs design, it offers an expanded range of possibilities, compared to traditional tandem-canopies built using classic design. There is a lot more to be said about this wing! Please meet the brand new Chinook-EVO by Skylark!
We are happy to present our new addition to the line of EVO-canopies by Skylark – tandem Chinook EVO!
“Smaller size”
Thanks to the improved flight performance, Chinook EVO has a smaller surface and overall size, than the existing equivalents. It usually takes just one flight for the skeptical tandem master to become fully confident that the size of the canopy is sufficient to make it back to the drop zone even after the most unfortunate spot even with the passengers of the most “bulky” kind 🙂
National Ukrainian record with the parachute ChinookEVO by Skylark
“Enjoyable to fly!”
One of the features of the new platform is the sharp trailing edge, supported by additional ribs. Chinook EVO has very light, but at the same time very responsive toggles. You can always easily replace the proposed system (with separated brakes connected to the primary and secondary toggles) with the system where the two steering lines are routed and tied together as if they were a single line and connected to one pair of toggles. And the brake loads will still be low!
“Dedicated to fans of soft landings!”
V-ribs – you feel them most during the. Chinook EVO has an unparalleled direct connection between the input to control toggles and the lifting force of the canopy. This gives the tandem instructor the widest possible range of breaking control. Now it is feasible to thrill the passenger with a “swoop-like” ride or perform a tip toe landing, even in the low wind condition!
“Fast and stable!”
Due to the lower aerodynamic drag, ChinookEVO has a high horizontal gliding velocity. That, combined with the open-air intake, increases the canopy pressurization and provides obvious advantages of a more rigid canopy when flying through turbulent air.
“Minimal G-load!”
The openings of the Chinook-EVO are extremely soft! That softness is also a built-in characteristic of V-ribs design. Due to the gradual engagement of the reinforcing structure of the canopy, the g-load build-up does not have acute peaks. To further delay the process of the opening and increase the comfort of the passenger and instructor, the slider is additionally equipped with a flap. All in all – the whole opening sequence (starting from the release of the drogue, until the slider comes down) takes on average 250-300 m.
Of course, Chinook EVO is compatible with most of the existing tandem-systems. Still, it is recommended to use the ChinookEvo with a smaller or collapsible drogue.
To satisfy all possible combinations of weight of instructor/passenger pair and current wind conditions at the drop zone, Chinook EVO is available in the following sizes– 285, 315, and 345 sq. feet.
The canopies are equipped with Vectran lines with the breaking strength of 750, 1000, or 1500 lbs. The package also includes a slider with stainless steel grommets and a set of large tandem specific soft links.